::Without You
7:57 P.M. - Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005

Without you (Inspired by Kindred)

God if it wasn�t for you
Where would I be
Falling at the alter
when I was three
was the greatest gift
you gave to me
in reverence I saw you then
adoration you are my friend
in only you come forth reliance
My lord my God
Without your light I have not truth--
Samuel worshipped on the grounds of Shiloh
The kingdom of David rendered to Solomon
Jonah saw his way out of the wale
And they say Jesus rose and walked again--
come the disasters of many a drizzle
or be it seismic pursuit
reign of terror from the middle east
the auto immune deficiency--
blackened skins
on my shins
will be proof
of God�s sovereignty--
I won�t quit
till I hear the trumpets
there in the streets of

Say the word and I will sound the alarm.


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::I AM bi-polar

::I LOVE jambalaya,licorice,six month old babies,penis

::I HATE people who take advange of others, irate customers>
