::oh hell
9:42 A.M. - Sunday, Oct. 23, 2005

oh how I feel sick.

I have had these crippling cramps since yesterday. This sickening feeling somewhere in my gut. And vertigo is killing me. Yet the show must go on!!.

Oh my! I had a wierd dream last night. I dreamt that I had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was like after five months of pregnancy and suddenly I have this kid, and I am walking on some street back home and I happen to notice this girl's house. Now mind you I haven't thought of anne marie in years. So I walk up her stairs with the baby on my shoulders (who looks like a six month old baby, yet I just gave birth last night). She is inside with a baby on her shoulders too. So we say hi to each other and she doesn;t appear to be surprised :(. Then she gives me a huge piece of cheddar cheese and I start eating it. What the hell? Then I say good bye and I am walking up constitution hill which appears to be right outside her house. Then someone sees me climbing up that hill with the baby still on my shoulders and yells that I shouldn't do that. I shouldn't be exerting myself like thaat cuz I just had a baby, and I will bleed to death. Um ok. Even if I feel no pains from the labor ( i guess it was a vaginal birth cuz I have no C-section marks. Then I start thinking of this girl I went to school with who since I couldn't remember her name I kept calling her Dion throughout the dream. They had said she had surgery and then she was climbing up tete morne right after and she died when she got up. Again what the fuck? So I decided that I shouldn't go up the hill anymore since I don't want to die. I liked the look of the baby he was so cute with a little blue shirt on. I didn't want to leave him to Dia I was thinking cuz he would never be a good father to my baby. I am still dreaming by the way. I don't know where the cheese I was eating went to. Since I stopped seeing anne marie seems the cheese disappeared. la la la la laaa (theme song from Daria)

Anywho I woke up sometime after the hill with some bad ass pains and I swear I thought I was going to have a baby. I thought at any moment some six month kid was going to pop out. Then I prayed a little and everything subsided and I went back to sleep. But here it is again.

Well I am a looney bin everyone knows that. So damn loopey. Buh bye Gonna clean and pretend to cook but order pizza.


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::I AM bi-polar

::I LOVE jambalaya,licorice,six month old babies,penis

::I HATE people who take advange of others, irate customers>
