::pink and blue pills
11:01 P.M. - Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005

I want to know why in all royal pissness do I use walgreens?

Has anyone out there but me suffer time and again with incorrect dosage or wrong medications? Why me? why the hell. why do I continue to use this pharmacy. They never have enough of the pills I ask for. They charge me for 270 and give me 200. My dosage is 20mg but they give me 60mg. All these, mind you were different times, different pills, different people. All in the same PLACE. I want to yell, but who should I yell at. To whom does one complain?

I am so pissed. Can I sue them for this? I mean, there is a reason why doctors write out the dosage on that little paper, right? So they don't kill me or kill any future offspring.

Tomorrow, I am marching to that pharmacy manager and stuffing all those pink pills down her throat. Is it so hard to tell the difference between pink and blue, between 20 and 60, between big and small, between dumb and sued?

Before I blow something up I better go.


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